NYFW: SS15 Katie Gallagher
On Friday we attended the Katie Gallagher presentation, titled "Fantasm," at The Highline Hotel. We were able to grab a few minutes with the designer of the self-titled line to ask her a few questions about the collection.
Labeling Men: What was your inspiration behind the collection today?
Katie Gallagher: It's a couple of things. I start every season with a painting; the colors are usually a big part of what inspires the collection. So I decided to make this collection all about the color work - well lack thereof. It came from the painting of trying to capture the idea of what you see when something is about to disappear. Mist or smoke or like a memory. And so I started it with some heavy blacks to whites, and the nudes are meant to be almost vanishing!
L.M: What is the one piece you had the most fun designing?
K.G: I really loved the looks with the long skirts. I'm really into making monochromatic, just the shirt with the skirt, it's everything to me. The latex, I like the idea that it is really hard to sew. I still make all my samples myself so they look cool but they are hell to make! I think my favorite look overall is one with the long sleeves with the nylon in all white. The solid nylon!
L.M: Quickly, describe your collection in three words.
K.G: Fantasm, White, and Healthy!