GROOMED: Dove Men + Care Styling with Jonny Villanueva

Mens hairstyling and grooming is still something of a passé topic for men to talk to other men about. While the 2017 Men's Hair Census reveals that 9 out of 10 men look in the mirror to fix their hair at least once a day, they don't always talk about it out loud. Dove Men + Care was putting their new research to the test with an exclusive one-on-one grooming experience with Los Angeles’ top celebrity hairstylist, Jonny Villanueva.. Villanueva who has groomed Mark Wahlberg and Owen Wilson- just to name a few- and is the experts of experts when it comes to mens grooming.
We had our #Muse, model Jordan Graham ( meet the Dove Men + Care team at The Chateau Marmont for a 12:00pm appointment with Villanueva. Graham tells us that Villanueva was 'awesome' and gave a lot of grooming advice, especially for "guys like me that don't like to talk to other guys about hair". With 83% of men saying that their hair helps them more masculine, read the everyday simple tips that Villanueva has for our #labelingmen and any guy out there to follow.
1. Wash your hair- Villanueva dispels the myth that you shouldn't wash your hair everyday. It is not healthy for the hair nor the scalp to skip washings.
2. Focus on your scalp- When washing your hair, the scalp is the core of what needs to be taken care of. "Think of your hair as just an overcoat".
3. Wax/Gel: First, make sure to have a hair dryer (any cheap one is fine) for the best styling results. When you put wax/gel in your hair, make sure to rub your hair downwards then up.

Dove has gone above and beyond with their research on Mens Hair Care. They have an interactive Dove Men+Care 2017 Men’s Hair Census infographic. which has some illuminating results. Find out just how many men think Avocado Toast is healthy for their hair or how many men (its a lot!) want the #manbunmonday to #goaway. The Dove team was affable as can be and our #muse was ecstatic with his new haircut. Dove was gracious enough to give Graham some shampoo and hair product to maintain his new do.

Browse all of Dove Men + Care products right here and style yourself.
By Nisim Frank