#MUSE Kanvar Singh

A New York City getaway is just what we need and what better place to go then The Time Nyack. Just a hour away from the city, it’s a hop and a skip without all the traffic that you may run into traveling to the Hamptons. Kanvar Singh is Area Managing Director of Time Hotels and is one of the youngest to have ever ascend to that position. He impressively manages both The Time Nyack and The Time New York property in Times Square. What sets the Time Hotel properties apart are the details and design, as Kanvar Singh states "the details matter." From the Echo Dot technology all the Suites to the unique décor, everything is carefully thought out – making the boutique properties stand out and not feel like just another chain. We would also like to note, Singh's impeccable styles. Representing a lifestyle brand he is always dressed to impress. In our #21questions, we delve more into his personal style; what truly sets Time apart from other hotel properties, and most importantly - his travel essentials in one bag.
Full Name?
Kanvar Singh – Area Managing Director of Time Hotels
Go-to men's accessory items?
Bracelets, cufflinks and pocket squares.
Men's current trend you love?
Men in business wearing three-piece suits.
Men's trend you wish would go away?
Wearing sneakers with suits.
City you think has the best men's style?
Designer you currently can't get enough of?
Dolce & Gabbana and my personal tailor Malik who designs bespoke three-piece suits.
First detail you notice about Time Hotel that sets it apart from others?
“A Million Times” by Humans Since 1982 – a piece of artwork at The Time New York made up of 72 clocks that move in different patterns and then come together each minute to display the time.
Craziest party you've ever seen go down at the hotel?
The opening party at The Time New York; the entertainment and turn-out was amazing.
Most outlandish hotel guest demand?
A guest once requested to have all of the furniture removed from one of our suites at 3am because he felt claustrophobic. We got it done.
Hotel staff trick you can reveal?
The Time New York lobby is two levels, so when a guest arrives on the first level, the bellman reads the name-tag on the guest luggage and radios the front desk with the name. Then, when the guest comes up to the second floor to check-in, they are immediately greeted by their name, which provides a more personalized experience.
Next travel destination?
Next big splurge item you're dying to get?
A Patek Philippe watch.
Go-to item?
My Iphone X
Most treasured item in your wardrobe?
A leather jacket that I had bought with my mom.
Silver or gold?
Favorite late-night snack?
The Montrachet Goat Cheese Omelet at L’Express
One bag ONLY of travel essentials; what's in it?
Toothbrush, toothpaste, Tom Ford Oud Wood cologne, deodorant, trimmer, lotion, and my Saint Laurent sunglasses.
Go-to Nyack hotspot?
The Time Nyack
Books or movies to unwind?
My favorite book to unwind is The Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma. My favorite movies are Gladiator and Troy. I also enjoy watching Netflix. My favorite shows are House of Cards and Breaking Bad.
Advice you would give somebody who wants to get into hospitality?
My advice would be to work hard, stay focused, and have patience. These are key when it comes to being successful in hospitality.
Word to live by?