MUSE: Graffiti Artist Bates
Graffiti is everywhere - every street corner, every mailbox, every subway station. But do you ever really take the time to look at what...

IN CROWD: Artist KESH's LJUS2 Exhibit
Touching base in NYC this month at the Catherine Ahnell Gallery is LA based multi-media artist KESH. You may recall the 2013 collab line...

MUSE: Photographer David Brookton
David Brookton is a photographer based in Denver, Colorado, who had a brief stint of living in Los Angeles. While he was here, we were...

MUSE: Artist Monica Garza
In her short 27 years of life, artist Monica Garza has managed to squeeze a plethora of experiences in. From traveling through Korea, to...

MUSE: Photographer Bo Bridges
Walking down gorgeous Manhattan Beach Avenue near the Manhattan Beach pier, there are countless boutiques, restaurants, and one unique...

MUSE: Artist Tanner McCardle
LA based artist Tanner McCardle works in many mediums, but his hand painted denim jackets are beyond an obsession of ours. Combining art...

IN CROWD: Rebecca Dayan Watercolor Exhibit
Emblazed in hot pink Pallas, Rebecca Dayan welcomed new eyes unto her watercolor solo exhibit at the Catherine Ahnell Gallery in Soho....

#MusicMonday: SHIRT
New York rapper SHIRT’s Twitter page grandly announces him as: “PERSON RAP DESIGN VISION.” Accordingly, his talents range wide – in...

#MusicMonday: AmirSaysNothing
“I believe in the law of attraction,” Amir tells me last Tuesday over Jameson Gingers. “You can will anything you want into a reality.”...

MUSE: Artists devNgosha
Artists Devin Liston & Gosha Levochkin - devNgosha collectively - collaborate to create vibrant and surreal paintings out of their Los...