EYHO: Cameron's Seafood & Delivery

Seafood above all things else is something most are picky and particular about- If its not fresh, tasting scrumptious, and somewhat affordable, then it is a hard pass. Here in on the East Coast, we all know the best seafood comes from Maryland but who wants to take the trek to Maryland? Cameron's Seafood is the Blue Apron of crabs and all things crab-related. Cameron's Seafood was founded in 1985 by Allen Manesh who started to get into the seafood business as a side gig for grocery money and has now grown into a wildly successful business taken over by his two sons, Cameron and Peymon. Besides their restaurants all over Maryland and Philadelphia, their new online business has taken them all over the United States.
What Cameron's Seafood is offering is a product that you simply can't find anywhere else. The crabs from Maryland need to build up fat stores to sustain them through hibernation periods and only the Maryland waters possess these unique properties. This in turn possess the crabs a buttery flavor that is unlike any other crabs in the world. Cameron tells us "What we are really selling is an experience. I want our customers to experience that special feeling from my childhood memories of sharing Maryland seafood with family and friends. It's a delicious social food that's perfect for large gatherings such as dinners, barbecues, parties and gifts."
On a beautiful Sunday late afternoon, we decided to try it out for ourselves, inviting our contributors over for a roof-top feast. The packaging comes in their cutting-edge Thermo Chill™ technology so the seafood always stays fresh. We're all about making really nice things look a lot harder than they actually are, so we'll give you the rundown of each product coming straight from Maryland's Chesapeake Bay to your house in 1-2 days.

1. Male Maryland Crabs- Pop them in the oven at 375 for seven to ten minutes and it is that easy. The crabs were the best tasting any of us had ever had, with a lot of crab inside each piece. Seasoning added a nice kick to the crab meat.

2. Maryland Crab Cake- "Holy Shit they're good" is what one of our guests exclaimed. Seriously, they are that good. Their blend of 11 different seasonings worked well with the extreme freshness of the crab. Pan-sear with butter for four minutes on each side with a nice golden brown crisp.

3. Crab-Stuffed Jumbo Shrimp- Refreshing with the crab so your palette gets a different taste to it. Same instructions as the Maryland Crab Cake. The shrimp is completely peeled as well.

4. Cream of Crab Soup- This blows New England Clam Chowder right out of the water. Made with flavorful crab stock, fresh cream, onion, dry sherry and celery, the soup has luscious chunks of crab inside every spoonful. Serve with a sourdough loaf of bread.
Festive for Summer and Fall, its perfect for that upscale dinner party without having to do most of the work. For side dishes, we would keep with the theme and grill some corn on the cob, mixed veggies, and a caprese salad, adding some fresh lightness to the meal. Champagne and Reisling are the perfect companions to the meal, light and not dry. We have to say that we are hooked on Cameron's Seafood, once you try their seafood delectables, you will be too.
If you haven't already tried Cameron's Seafood, then you're missing out on the best fresh crabs in the United States. Use coupon code SAVE10 and start saving today!